2024 Newton Charity Investment Survey
Thursday 3 October

The event will take place on Thursday 3 October from 12:00 to 15:00 at Newton’s office, 160 Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4V 4LA.

Data protection

Registration for the in-person event will be managed via the BNY reception desk at 160 Queen Victoria Street under direction from Newton Investment Management. The data you provide will be sent to the BNY reception for the purposes of registration. After the event, your data will be deleted by the BNY reception.

Your personal information will be collected by Newton Investment Management Limited, Newton Investment Management North America LLC and Newton Investment Management Japan Limited (collectively referred to as 'Newton Group'). By providing your email address, you agree that the Newton Group has permission to contact you with further communications, including future event invitations and thought leadership. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Your personal information will be shared within the BNY group of companies as far as it is necessary. Newton Group will transfer or store your personal information in other countries, including those outside Europe, under the protection of appropriate safeguards. For more information about how we collect, use and share personal information and your legal rights please contact us at or see BNY's full privacy notice.